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Lip lift

What is lip lift

The skin between the nose and upper lift lengthens as we age and most doctors treat this by injecting the upper lip with fillers, causing it to look like it’s been stung by a bee. The upper lip lift is a small surgical procedure, where Dr. Karatzias removes excess skin by creating a small scar hidden at the base of the nose. The scar is barely noticeable in older patients. With this procedure the distance between the lips and the nose shortens creating more full and aesthetically pleasing lips.

You may go back to work after one week. For more strenuous activities, you need to wait two to three weeks. You should avoid any activity that could have impact on the nose. You should also avoid sunburns for at least eight weeks and use sunblock that provides UVA and UVB protection. The final result may take one year or sometimes even longer to be achieved.

The end result of a lip lift is subtle, but the benefits are substantial. Several changes are noted almost immediately:

· Shortening of the lip length between the nose and mouth

· Increased tooth show

· Increased sensuality of the mouth

· Shortening of the perceived length of the lower midface

· Turning the Cupid’s bow upwards – lip eversion

· Increasing the volume of the pink and white lip

· Improvement of lipstick bleed lines and wrinkles

· Subtle improvement of the corners of the mouth

· Makes the lips and lower face appear younger

· Improves the definition of the philtral columns and Cupid’s bow

· Improvement by offsetting the balance seen in patients with a simian appearance around the mouth

· Decreased need for fillers

About the procedure

The procedure can be performed awake or under twilight anesthesia. Nearly all patients have the procedure performed awake, as the numbing process hurts about as much as a mosquito bite. Incisions are hidden under the base of the nose in a natural crease. The modifications in flap elevation and tension-free skin closure allow fast healing, rapid disappearance of incision sites and avoidance of nostril widening typically seen with other lifts.

We use the most advanced surgical technology, disposables and techniques when performing treatments and procedures to maximise your results and diminish the length of your recovery period. To reduce risks and maintain as much of the results for as long as possible we recommend that you refrain from smoking for a minimum of six weeks prior to the surgery and for the duration of your recovery period.

Are You the Right Candidate?

To determine if this procedure is right for you, please schedule a consultation with Dr. Karatzias. During the consultation, your concerns will be discussed in depth and the best surgical or non-surgical solution will be determined, always having your trepidations and expectations in mind.

To see if you are a candidate for this procedure or if you wish to learn more details about it, please complete our online consultation form or call at +357 22020721.

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