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What are the changes in breast tissue over time (changes in volume, sagging)?

The breast is an unstable, unsupported and dynamic organ. It does not have weight support mechanisms such as muscles or bones and goes through significant internal and external stresses and strains over the lifetime of a woman (pregnancy, lactation, weight changes, exercise, etc.), which may result in loss of volume and / or sagging.

What is the effect of the implant weight on the breast tissue (comfort, longevity of results)?

Increased weight equals increased gravitational pull, which increases stress and strain on the breast and surrounding tissue. This can ultimately lead to sagging, as well as cause back and neck pain.
Breast movement during activity exacerbates the effect of weight which can cause discomfort and increase the stress and strain on the breast tissue. Less weight equals less strain. It’s that simple.

How are B-Lite implants different from other implants?

All breast implants are composed of a shell and a filler. The filler in traditional, heavy implants is either Silicone gel or Saline (salt water). The B-Lite innovation is in the unique combination of well known, clinically proven materials to create a lightweight filler. B-Lite implants further provide peace of mind by using the standard shell manufactured by a leading German manufacturer with over 30 years of experience. These same shells have been safely and successfully implanted in hundreds of thousands of augmentation and reconstruction procedures. B-Lite implants come in a matrix of options, including smooth, textured, round and anatomical.

What is the B-Lite gel made of?

The B-Lite gel is created by permanently bonding tiny hollow spheres within the standard medical grade silicone gel, which makes the implants up to 30% lighter. Microspheres are widely used in a range of applications. They are biocompatible and can be found in medical devices and cosmetics. The microspheres are integrated within the cohesive gel and their bonding to the gel remains intact even in the unlikely case of the implant rupturing. The B-Lite gel incorporates technology used by NASA and has an excellent safety profile and characteristics, offering significantly less weight while providing a natural look and feel.

B-Lite lightweight implants are relatively new to the market so how can patients be assured that they are safe?

B-Lite implants were developed by a multidisciplinary team of physicians, scientists and engineers, then extensively tested over the course of 10 years before being offered to patients. All materials used in the production of the CE marked B-Lite implants are well documented, safe, inert, biocompatible, and have a long history of use in medicine. B-Lite implants employ a premium shell, manufactured in Germany by a market leader with over 30 years of experience, hundreds of thousands of patients and an excellent safety record.

Is there any change in surgical procedure using B-Lite compared to traditional implants?
There is no change to the surgical techniques when using B-Lite lightweight breast implants, and experience has shown most patients enjoy less pain and a faster recovery time post-surgical procedure.

What are the B-Lite microspheres?

The B-Lite microspheres are small microscopic balls that are very strong yet extremely light. The microspheres are biocompatible and very stable.

Are microspheres safe?

Yes. Microspheres are already widely used in a range of applications. They are biocompatible and can be found in medical devices and cosmetics. Microspheres are common in dentistry, orthopedics, urology and many other medical fields. The microspheres are integrated within the cohesive gel and their bonding to the gel remains intact even in the unlikely case of the implant rupturing. The microspheres will not change in size or shape under temperatures and pressures that humans can normally withstand. There is no concern with flying, recreational diving, mountain climbing, etc.

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